You know what you want!

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Do you notice when there is something you know you want, it’s easier to action?

It could be booking a flight for a holiday, walking in the bush, or playing with your child in the sandpit.

All of you is present, engaged, perhaps excited, even animated; you just know.

However, just because you don’t feel like this doesn’t always mean you don’t want something.

Sometimes it’s simple, just not interested enough, sometimes it’s a bit more complex.

For example, you’re keen to play soccer, but something is annoying you, you’re not quite sure why you’re feeling a bit reticent.

Ask yourself, If I don’t play will I feel bad, be disappointed, unhappy?

If not, that’s easy; you don’t play.

But if the answer is yes, then Notice what your thoughts and feelings are saying to you about soccer.

Through this Noticing, you realise there is a person in the team that you don’t get on with, and you’re not sure you want to play soccer with them.

For yourself right now, is there something you want to do but don’t? You’re avoiding and putting it off.  You might be annoyed with yourself for not getting on with it or making a decision.

This week be brave and Notice. Notice what you’re avoiding or putting off. Notice by listening to your thoughts and being aware of your feelings.  Write them down and reflect on them at the end of the week. 

Back to soccer, there may be thoughts of; I really don’t want her in the team, she’s so annoying, always wanting to be right.  But I love playing soccer!

Instead of tossing the toys and not playing, turn them around to oh well, I do want to play soccer, I don’t have to socialise with her, and I’m not going to let my reactions affect something I enjoy.

Be brave because it does take some courage to look beneath what stops us from doing stuff. 

This week Notice. What is something you want but you’ve been avoiding?

Coming Soon

My 'Goodbye Procrastination' workshops launch in September.


Morning procrastination?


Just one step